Saturday, August 20, 2011

Some "deep" thoughts!

Why is it a bad thing for an adult to "move back home"? Seems like everytime I turn around, someone is making the remark that only Losers return home...never get out in the world, never explore other ideas or philosophies, can't "grow" spiritually, etc. This is nearly always followed by the slam that one is "simple-minded" and stuck on a personal philosophy fed to them by the Fox News Channel....ggrrrrhhh!
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And along those same lines, people who do return home to the quiet life in Iowa sometimes are haunted by the Past. Usually a perceived notion that hometown folks only remember the bad things, and do not see them for who they are now. I say, "Hogwash!" (goes along with the simple rural life) People who never leave have changed, and believe you have too! Or, maybe even experience a little envy because one did get out of SWI and have returned with stories, travels, experiences, etc., that are so fun to hear when you share them!
The world is smaller now. There are fewer and fewer backwoods places. And, who said "You can't go home again?" Only Bon Jovi in the song of the same name. Life is what you make it, no matter what your address.
We bring it with us...our memories, our experiences, our knowledge...and grow in love with our friends and family.
That's it for now.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Back again!

It's been a very long time...this digital diary has been missing me! I have had a rough summer. Though all the 1st anniversaries have come and gone, I'm still feeling a little depressed. Made it through the first anniversary of Dad's passing, Jay's passing, Jay's birthday, and Dad's birthday. Whew!

The picture of Mom and Mike was taken on Mom's birthday at the new Ice House. Cute, aren't they?
Baseball with Austin on the traveling league kept me busy at the first of the summer. And a planned trip to Maryland didn't pan out...Brandon is getting transferred out of the AWG and back into the regular Army. He will be returning to his old brigade at Ft Campbell, so they are busy, busy, busy readying their home for the real estate market. I'm planning on seeing them later...possibly around the end of the year...and helping out with kids if they want to go house-hunting in Kentucky/Tennessee.
My friend Nancy had a major surgery last Friday to remove a cancerous mass near her kidney. They were only able to get 80% of it, and then discovered another small marble-size one lower that they couldn't get. So, she will be doing chemo and radiation.
School will start soon, and I will be going to volleyball games, football games to watch the band, and youth tackle football on Saturday. Busy times are good!
Bought a new dining table and chairs, and a new recliner for myself, which will be delivered on Friday. Am looking forward to that. My chair is broke down and I'm pretty "squirmy" in it!
That's all for today!